Thursday, December 15, 2011

'some parts of the bible are out of date they should be removed' what do you think about this statement?

what do you think of this statement??

Any proof??|||It is all out of date and not relevant to modern times.|||Anything that the N.T. supersedes over the O.T. should be considered.

But even when Paul teaches about proper conduct in the a strictly societal realm, - it's still great to use these Bible verses for a historical lesson.

So actually, - nothing should be 'removed', - it's all for our benefit.|||Absolutely yes. Proof:

Demons don't cause schizophrenia or blindness or deafness. Leprosy CANNOT be cured by sacrificing two birds. Bats are NOT birds. Rabbits don't chew their cud. Insects don't walk on four legs. Men cannot live to be 900 years old. There could not have been a world-wide flood. People don't rise from the dead. Zombies don't flood the city. Rules on how to keep slaves are ABSURD. Women should not stay quiet and submissive to their men. People should not be stoned to death for being disobedient to parents or being gay. Women who get raped should not have to marry the rapist. People do not deserve infinite punishment for finite crimes. The earth was not here before the stars. The mustard seed isn't the smallest of seeds. The entire genetic diversity of the world's ecosystems cannot fit on a boat the size of a football stadium. Stars cannot fall to the earth, and they are certainly not small objects. It doesn't take 40 years to walk a thousand miles. We should not greet each other with a holy kiss.

etc. etc.|||What do I think about this statement? First, I like the respectful tone of your question. It's truly refreshing. :) Second, I disagree. Since you do ask about the bible, let me give you two scriptures to consider

2 Timothy 3:16,17 ( from the KJV cuz I don't have access to the NWT right now)

ALL scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

(Romans 15:4) For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

It's true, the Mosaic Law, which of course is contained in the OT, is no longer in force. But does removing the accounts of the lives of faithful ones like Daniel, Isaiah etc. make sense. No. Why? If you look at all of Hebrews 11, Paul lists those faithful individuals and refers to them as a "great cloud of witnesses" whose stories encourage us down to this day.|||You're in error. What is your knowledge concerning "the hidden wisdom" contained within The HOLY Bible (KJV) %26amp; what is your "understandings of GOD'S JUDGMENTS?"

There are "instructions that provide the reproof of life" in the O.T. %26amp; from Exodus chapters 21 - 23 you will find The JUDGMENTS of GOD.

These instructions are for those of us that willingly serves GOD'S WILL %26amp; PURPOSE by doing our part ( as we live in The LAWS of GOD ) to work out our own salvation %26amp; not carried about by every wind of doctrine that's in the world today.|||revelation 21-19 "and if any man shall take away from the Words of the book of this prophesy God shall take away his part out of the book of Life.and out of the Holy City.and from the things which are written in the book. He which testifieth these things saith Surely I come quickly Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus."|||The bible is not a grocery store item that gets repacked and put on sale just to get customers. It is the Word of God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.|||i have never read alice in wonderland, but I know its complete drivel. some parts should be removed. like for instance: any sentence with the word "the" in it.|||Why are you reading the bible if you do not like what in it .its been written long before you were born.and will continue long after you are dead .|||I disagree for more than one reason, but I'll mention only one. I can read the whole bible and decide for myself which parts are out of date. I don't want someone else deciding for me.|||I disagree ... slightly.

I think the entire thing is out of date. I think that all religion should be replaced by science.|||Thats because whoever wrote this does not believe God is the same, yesterday, today and forever.|||The whole Bible should be removed and replaced with Alice in Wonderland.|||I think you should learn to use punctuation and capital letters.|||Not a complete statement. The whole of the bible is out of date, and should be binned.|||I think it is nonsensical, that's what I think.|||Well... the problem for theists is that if we do that, we end up with no bible at all.

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