Monday, December 12, 2011

R&S: I think, therefore, I am. What are your opinions on one of the most profound statements to date?

Ren茅 Descartes, when pondering his existence concluded that if I am even asking this question, I am thinking. And my ability to think justifies my existence.

It's brilliant, but I have my doubts to it. What are your thoughts?|||Descartes also said, "Dubito, ergo cogito." By doubting, he proved that he thinks.|||It's a flawed proof of existence. Thinking may seem to demonstrate that we are, but it is perfectly plausible that what we construe as thoughts are entirely fleeting, that some configuration of some universe has arranged itself temporarily to give the impression that this universe exists, with you in it, remembering your past and believing in your future. Even that concept of time might be invented in that "instant". A thought almost proves that something that believes itself to exist exists instantaneously.|||Don't have much doubts about it, or you become a nihilist or solipsist. Our existence as more than a brain in a box cannot be empirically proven, but by all collective reasoning, we can safely assume (logically even) that it is true.

Existence needs to start somewhere, it might as well be me....or you, or Dave, or Fred, or Wilma.|||It's not about the PHYSICAL existence.

100% of all animals are alive and 99% do not think!

It's about PONDERING one's existence into the realms of the metaphysical.|||It's good but it's kind of superseded by Sartre.

You could quite plausibly be a figment of my imagination and mine alone.

...|||It never says what he is exactly. He could be a small perl script programmed to say that.|||It's all about the mind. Once you "know" how to use it, you know that you exist.|||I AM, always exist.

repent or be burn

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