Monday, December 12, 2011

Does it make a difference if you pay off your credit card before statement or anytime before due date?

What I'm doing right now is keeping balance below about 30% of my limit, and paying off in full a couple times a month, resulting in my monthly credit card statements being for $0. I just want to know if there is anything bad about me always having statements that show 0 balance, meaning there are no statements for me to pay, but there are balances that I pay every couple weeks. Or does it make no difference when I pay, as long as I pay before the due date.

If you can link to a source that supports your answer I would really appreciate it, because I want to be sure.|||It makes absolutely no impact on your credit profile as long as you DON'T pay late.

Buying something on the 1st week of the month, paying it off on the second week, then buying something on the 3rd week, then paying it off on the fourth week has no impact on your credit. What impacts your credit is late payments, over limits, etc. Credit profiles are updated monthly, not weekly or daily.

I'm absolutely sure.|||No. Just make the payment on or before the due date.|||it's a myth to carry a balance to build credit

I have been building credit for the last 6 months and my score is in the 700+ range Using a Online estimator

i have a balance and pay in full

The secret is to pay some before the "Closing Date" to lower the Utilization Ratio

check you bill for the next Closing Date

let say i owe

250$ on the account and lets say the closing date is in 5 days i pay $200 then in 5 days my Utilization Ratio will be only $50 out of $900 and that is what Will be Reported to the 3 credit bureaus (both of my banks report to all 3 credit bureaus)

balances are reported so the only amount reported is $50

I also get a "OK" sticker on my report :) after i pay in full

the only stickers they give out is "OK" "30" "60" "120+"

trust me you do not want 30 60 or 120+ that means your late on the minimum payment|||It makes no difference as long as you pay by the due date. The proof you seek will be in the Terms and Conditions of your credit card issuer.

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