Obama PROMISED PROMISED PROMISED that the troops would be home and he has the nerve to go on a date...how dare he.|||Do as I say, not as I do.
It's typical of the liberals.|||Out of all these answers, you chose that one... Why ask a question if you only want to hear one answer?
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|||Probably the same reasons why you would. He has a SOCIAL LIFE.|||because he has a social life|||He promised he'd bring MOST of them home within 16 months. It's been 4. Have some patience. As for going out on a date...I'd MUCH rather have a President that goes out than one like the last one that NEVER left the White House or his Ranch and literally didn't know what a gallon of gas or milk cost.
And, yes. I get the sarcasm. But, Right-wingers are going to pick this up and fly with it ;)|||GW Bush spent 1/3 of his Presidency on vacation (by far the most vacation taken by a President in US HISTORY). Also, Obama promised an end to Iraq War not Afghanistan...if you took the time to actually listen to what he said instead of getting your "interpreted" version from Limpballs and the GOP, then you're simply too ignorant to debate.|||I really don't mind him taking his wife out...goodness, a marriage needs attention. What I do mind is the expense of the trip to New York, the security that must have taken... was on the American people's shoulders...that's what I mind|||Would him not going out on a date make the troops any happier?
No, probably not...|||I thought it was a stupid accusation when they tossed it out about Bush escaping DC to his Crawford ranch occasionally... and I think it's a stupid accusation now.
Presidents are human beings and if we want them to perform to the best of their abilities, they need to have a little balance in their lives to keep them going.
On a daily basis I am sorry that Obama is our President, but I don't begrudge him some personal time.|||at least he isn't on vacation yet.|||what would you like him to do? just sit at home and stare at the wall?|||What do you want him to do? be sad all the time and cry.|||Have you gone on a date in the past 4 years????????|||its not the fact he went out on a day but at our tax payers dollars
and i special thank you to our fine troops past present and lossed|||I have a feeling you don't actually want an answer. You're just trying to sound like an ignorant fool.|||Ugh. How can you spend time on your computer when babies are starving in Africa? How can you go eat ice cream on a hot day when polar bears are going extinct?
The answer is.... because you're a citizen of a civilized nation and that's how it goes. The people here are lucky to be here, and the people over in the toilets of planet Earth don't get to have ice cream. The world isn't fair. Maybe those soldiers fighting in Iraq should have become president instead of joining the army.|||First..he's human and can have a social life too. What's he supposed to do...drop everything until the troops come home?
Second..those thousands were in fact DEAD when he took office...which a full 25% were killed in accident not related to any battle action.
Third...if you pulled you head out of the dark place, you would know that the pull out is already and has been ongoing. If you knew anything, you would know what the security agreement says and when we have to be gone from Iraq and at what level.
Finally, if you knew anything about redeployment, you would know that NOTHING takes overnight. When was the last time you wne ton trip and took your house, both cars, your department store, your supermarket and your hospital with you. Now think about doing that for 150,000 people and turn around and get that back home. we did not get there overnight so it won't be overnight to get home either.|||He sure shows his arrogance. Where does he think the money comes from for all the security needed to protect him when he does this self indulging crap?|||For the same reason he has tripled the National Budget Deficit. Gave out billions in "stimulus" and "bailout" money that nobody knows where it is going or has gone to. Promised to close GITMO before he found a place to stash all the terrorist. He is nothing more than a lying lawyer.
I am a Disabled Vet receiving VA Comp and SSDI. My "Stimulus" check is a whopping $250.00. The ***hole next door, who has three illegitimate kids, using crack and heroin, sells drugs and makes close to $3000.00 a week, is on SSI and Food Stamps and will get somewhere around $700.00 in "stimulus" money. Ain't life grand?|||Listen lady ''your troops'' are not drafted anymore, we volunteer, we serve in the world's hell wholes and most of us are proud of that, we are prepared to die, the ones who are not, should not serve, this is a job and for some a duty, shore its about oil and many investments, no government is perfect but at the end of the day we are the only thing keeping another 9/11 from happening, sometimes sacrifices are needed, so you should be a little bit more grateful to the President.
"There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the
-George Washington|||"Thousands of troops are dying"? Where did you hear that? Since the Iraq war started, around 4300 troops have died. I really don't understand people like you.|||where do u get thousands from dont you mean like 30 a month it is going to take time for the troops to leave its a complicated situation in iraq|||I'm not a particular fan of our current President... or many of his policies or actions thus far. But he IS President. He WAS elected by the majority of the voters.
And, just because one is President, it doesn't mean that one stops doing what one normally does in the conduct of ones life. For example, I suspect he still showers, shaves, puts his clothes on, goes to the bathroom, eats, sleeps... and maybe even goes on dates with his wife. I'd also suspect that just about everybody who's ever occupied the White House has done the same thing. The only wrinkle is that now the media follow him... everywhere.
Campaign promises are made to get one elected. When one gets into office, and the reality of the situation hits, one realizes that the "promises" were, at best, ill advised. Campaign promises are not made by the person running for office. They're made by the political machinery behind him. Candidates seldom write their own speeches anymore. All the political machinery is interested in is power. They know the guy they're running is only likely to be there a few years. They don't care about him. All they want is for their candidate to win. What he does after that, they hope he succeeds. But, if he doesn't... next time they'll just run somebody else. So everything he does, they put as positive a spin on it as they can.
Here are a few words of advice from an old man. Don't vote the party, vote the candidate. Never bash a guy. It's futile and it's kind of like a "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" thing. If a guy does something illegal (under the law, not just something you don't particularly like or don't think is "fair") then gather your evidence and report him to the authorities, don't point your finger and scream, "Did you see what he just did?"|||You are such an idiot, him going on a date has nothing to do with the troops being home, that is like saying, how does he even sleep knowing the economy is failing!?!?! why does he eat!?! does he ever exercise??? HE BETTER NOT!.... I heard Obama took his dog for a walk.... that selfish loser idiot two face Bastard!!!!!
If you want something to be mad at, there are plenty of things rather then a pathetic pointless date. I'm sure you can dig a little bit deeper then that. How about the fact alone that soldiers are overseas dying, and killing innocent people, and that they are the main reason this economy is in the sh*tter. How about the fact that Obama is a puppet, just like Bush, and every politican you have ever been alive to see, the last honest one was JFK, and if you don't know why, simply put it is because the Federal Reserve, if you don't know enough about them I suggest you read, and you can start worrying about other things that matter then a president going on a date.... reject.|||So you think the troops are just going to magically appear home? Or does common sense tell you that something like that takes time? maybe you don't know what common sense is since you're just following the bandwagon of Obama haters. Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do. And how could you know what that is if you never listened and instead got your information from a bunch of lying republicans on Fox news who like to twist words around. I watched both sides of the debate so i'm not confused like you and there's nothing wrong with giving your wife some attention. That's how you keep a relationship together. Bush stayed in hiding during his term because he was afraid of having more shoes thrown at him for being such a dumbass.
listen to you people complaining about the economy as if it was Obamas fault in the first place. He just gt in office and has to clean up one of the biggest messes made by a US president who you voted into office and cheated his way back in. Any everybody wants to talk about the economy like Obama did it to them. It's not Obamas fault that drug dealer is getting 3000 a month. he was making that money before Obama was in office but you talk as if this is some new occurence and point fingers at the president who just got in office and is trying to clean up things like this.|||Yes, Obama is allowed a social life. I think you need to get over yourself. President Obama is doing what he can for our nation. At least he didn't start a war (like Bush), and he's not super man. No, you don't have to like everything the president does, but he is your commander in chief. If you don't like it, go to Canada. So he likes to spend time with his family. I'm sure you like to spend time with your family as well. He can't just leave the war where it is now. That would be totally irresponsible. And, all you people accusing liberals and stuff need to grow up. Conservatives aren't any better. We need to work together. Bush had a social life for your information. He spent time with his family too. GROW UP!|||If you did some research, you would know that all past Presidents take holidays, etc. Google Crawford, Texas and Kennebunkport, Maine. Both President Bushes went to each throughout their presidencies.|||Thousands of troops are dying???
Where, Detroit?
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