Monday, December 12, 2011

Do you think all credit card statement should have to show a "last date to pay at a bank" date on it.... should it be up to the customer to have to work out..[-what with weekends complicating the maths etc]..the last day on which they can pay the bill, and therefor avoid incurring a late payment charge...

or should the bank statement clearly state what date that day falls on?

do you think that the only reason a credit card company would not include that information on the stements it sends out, would be that the c.c.c would be be expecting to reap a harvest of late payment charges from its customers, and to include the info would be to lose an opportunity to extract more cash from its cardholders?|||That is a very good idea. They are crooks.|||yes|||My credit card statements do show 'last day to pay at bank' date on them.|||Yes, I think that all credit card statements should have to show that information.|||Credit cards are for people who love debt.

I hate debt and couldn't give a rats a rse.|||They do mate, just below last date to pay. there are few dates like, when to pay at the bank, when to pay by cheque etc

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