Thursday, December 15, 2011

Does California statutute of limitations of 4 years for debt collection apply to complaint filing date or CMC?

Does California statutute of limitations of 4 years for debt collection apply to complaint filing date or CMC

Actual expiration of 4 years according to statement by the debt collector is Febrary 27, 2009 and Case Management Conference (CMC) is scheduled for March 30, 2009. Is the statute expiration a valid defense at the CMC or is the complaint filing date is what matters?

Thank you very much.|||The formula used by most states regarding their SOL is as follows:

Take the date you last made a payment and add 6 months to this date.

Add the number of years of the statute of limitations in your state.

example: You last made a payment on Jan 15, 2001. The statute of limitations for credit cards (usually regarded as open accounts) in your state is 4 years.

The date at which you are "safe" from having a creditor sue you over this debt is:

Jan 15, 2001 + 6 months = July 15, 2001.

4 Years + July 15, 2001 = July 15, 2005

Therefore, a creditor cannot sue you for this debt after July 15, 2007.

You must know that if you at anytime communicated or affirmed the debt, then the SOL was reset. In most states if you leave the clock stops until you return.

Now California has some strange statutes regarding credit so you might want to check them out at the following web site.

Hope this is of some help

NOTE: This communication is not intended as and should not be interpreted as legal advice but is intended solely as a general discussion of legal principles or definitions of the FDCPA and FCRA. Always consult an attorney if needed.

Financial statements report financial data for either a period of time or for a particular date.which one ?

a ) the balance sheet

b) the cash flow statement

c) the income statement

find me which one of followiong financial statements reports finiacial information for a particular date.|||A balance sheet shows Assets and Liabilities as of a specific date (Assets+Owners Equity=Liabilities)

A cash flow statement shows money going into and coming out of a company over a period of time.

An income statement shows profit or loss over a period of time.

I sign the statement at the bottom of the page only once?

Ok, so you know how there's this statement at the bottom of the SAT Subject Test answer sheet that says something to the effect of "Copy the following statement in cursive and sign and date it" and the statement is something about not receiving or giving help (cheating) for the test? Well, when I'm taking multiple SAT II's in one day, that statement is only supposed to be copied and signed ONCE (at the bottom of the answer sheet for the 1st test), right?|||Sign it on every answer sheet that you receive./

How long should the Northwestern Statement be (the "Why NU" essay)?

I'm not sure if the Northwestern Statement should be an essay or a paragraph, they really don't say anything on the NU supplement. The directions read as follows: "The following statements must be typed and submitted on separate sheets of paper. Type your name and birth date on each sheet. Note which item you are addressing at the beginning of each statement." Then it just goes on to describe what the statement should say. There's really nothing about how long it should be. Can anyone who's also applying to Northwestern help me out? Thanks!|||I'd say one to two paragraphs. That's how long mine was.

I need a template of a landlord statement saying how much I pay monthly?

Hi!! I need a proper template stating how much my husband and I pay the landlord (my father-in-law) on a monthly basis. The statement has to be made from the landlords point of view and it has to include the date in which we moved in.

Thank you!|||search "free rental agreement" or "free lease agreement"|||Just ask your landlord!||||||There's nothing magic here.

A simple receipt that reads: "On (date), (your name) paid (landlord name) the amount of $(rent) to cover rental of property at (address) for (time period)" and then have you and FIL sign.

For example: "On June 1, 2007, Marvin and Barbara Smith paid John Smith the amount of $500 to cover rental of property at 1 Main Street, Springfield, MA 12345 for June 1-30, 2007."

If you're looking for a rental contract... that's a bit different. There will be dozens of clauses in that. If all you want is the "how much," then use the above template minus the date of payment. For example: "For rental of 1 Main Street, Springfield, MA 12345, Marvin and Barbara Smith must pay John Smith the amount of $500, due by the first of each month." Have everyone sign.|||Free rental agreement forms from these sites may work for you:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Caution: Each state has its own requirement, so make sure you are aware of what applies to your state. You can find books in your local public library regarding specifics about your state requirements. Books by NOLO are good.

I need a statement of Creditable Coverage- start date and present date from Blu Cross.?

I need a statement of creditable coverage from Blu Cross of Tennessee, im not ending my insurance with them but am getting a second one. Will they send with no problems? i am under my dad's insurance on there so will i need him to do it? I have my own card and i need to do it on my own, can i do this? Im 19 so its not age its just that im not the primary member, i dont know the online log in just the group # and such|||As I understand it you are leaving your dad's policy and going on your own policy. Blue Cross of TN should send you a certificate of creditable coverage automatically. It would be sent to the mailing address on the policy.

The certificate is essential if you are dealing with a preexisting coverage. It is particularly important document to have when you are switching carriers. However. as you are staying with the same insurance company I don't think a preexisting condition is going to be an issue if you maintain continuous coverage.

Don't take my word for it though, verify that by calling the customer service number that is on the back of your current ID card.|||Yes, you'll need dad to do it. And that means dad's insurance will now be secondary.

But how is it, exactly, that you're getting your OWN coverage, but still staying on his? Once you're no longer qualified to be his dependent on his taxes (like you have your own job, and have to file your own taxes), you no longer qualify to be COVERED under his policy. Or if you get married, you're no longer qualified to be covered, either.

It's extremely unusual, that you have your OWN coverage, NEED the certificate of credible coverage, without being disqualified from the prior coverage.|||It depends on the insurance company. Most companies will not send you a statement until AFTER the policy is cancelled. You're going to have to call to ask. It's not something you'll be able to log-in and download.|||It is an unusual request, but not a problem. Just call them on the telephone and ask for it.

Send a statement to a company owing me money?

I use a company which i can do my accounts on and invoices but i cant find a way to print a statement to send to a company that owe me money is there anyway of doing it like a company uses me 2-3 times a month after 3 months i want to send them a statement with dates saying how much they owe and what they have paid etc|||Try a program like Quickbooks.

How can Obama go on a date with his wife when thousands of troops are dying?

I remember that statement when President Bush took his wife out on a date.

Obama PROMISED PROMISED PROMISED that the troops would be home and he has the nerve to go on a dare he.|||Do as I say, not as I do.

It's typical of the liberals.|||Out of all these answers, you chose that one... Why ask a question if you only want to hear one answer?

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|||Probably the same reasons why you would. He has a SOCIAL LIFE.|||because he has a social life|||He promised he'd bring MOST of them home within 16 months. It's been 4. Have some patience. As for going out on a date...I'd MUCH rather have a President that goes out than one like the last one that NEVER left the White House or his Ranch and literally didn't know what a gallon of gas or milk cost.

And, yes. I get the sarcasm. But, Right-wingers are going to pick this up and fly with it ;)|||GW Bush spent 1/3 of his Presidency on vacation (by far the most vacation taken by a President in US HISTORY). Also, Obama promised an end to Iraq War not Afghanistan...if you took the time to actually listen to what he said instead of getting your "interpreted" version from Limpballs and the GOP, then you're simply too ignorant to debate.|||I really don't mind him taking his wife out...goodness, a marriage needs attention. What I do mind is the expense of the trip to New York, the security that must have taken... was on the American people's shoulders...that's what I mind|||Would him not going out on a date make the troops any happier?

No, probably not...|||I thought it was a stupid accusation when they tossed it out about Bush escaping DC to his Crawford ranch occasionally... and I think it's a stupid accusation now.

Presidents are human beings and if we want them to perform to the best of their abilities, they need to have a little balance in their lives to keep them going.

On a daily basis I am sorry that Obama is our President, but I don't begrudge him some personal time.|||at least he isn't on vacation yet.|||what would you like him to do? just sit at home and stare at the wall?|||What do you want him to do? be sad all the time and cry.|||Have you gone on a date in the past 4 years????????|||its not the fact he went out on a day but at our tax payers dollars

and i special thank you to our fine troops past present and lossed|||I have a feeling you don't actually want an answer. You're just trying to sound like an ignorant fool.|||Ugh. How can you spend time on your computer when babies are starving in Africa? How can you go eat ice cream on a hot day when polar bears are going extinct?

The answer is.... because you're a citizen of a civilized nation and that's how it goes. The people here are lucky to be here, and the people over in the toilets of planet Earth don't get to have ice cream. The world isn't fair. Maybe those soldiers fighting in Iraq should have become president instead of joining the army.|||First..he's human and can have a social life too. What's he supposed to do...drop everything until the troops come home?

Second..those thousands were in fact DEAD when he took office...which a full 25% were killed in accident not related to any battle action.

Third...if you pulled you head out of the dark place, you would know that the pull out is already and has been ongoing. If you knew anything, you would know what the security agreement says and when we have to be gone from Iraq and at what level.

Finally, if you knew anything about redeployment, you would know that NOTHING takes overnight. When was the last time you wne ton trip and took your house, both cars, your department store, your supermarket and your hospital with you. Now think about doing that for 150,000 people and turn around and get that back home. we did not get there overnight so it won't be overnight to get home either.|||He sure shows his arrogance. Where does he think the money comes from for all the security needed to protect him when he does this self indulging crap?|||For the same reason he has tripled the National Budget Deficit. Gave out billions in "stimulus" and "bailout" money that nobody knows where it is going or has gone to. Promised to close GITMO before he found a place to stash all the terrorist. He is nothing more than a lying lawyer.

I am a Disabled Vet receiving VA Comp and SSDI. My "Stimulus" check is a whopping $250.00. The ***hole next door, who has three illegitimate kids, using crack and heroin, sells drugs and makes close to $3000.00 a week, is on SSI and Food Stamps and will get somewhere around $700.00 in "stimulus" money. Ain't life grand?|||Listen lady ''your troops'' are not drafted anymore, we volunteer, we serve in the world's hell wholes and most of us are proud of that, we are prepared to die, the ones who are not, should not serve, this is a job and for some a duty, shore its about oil and many investments, no government is perfect but at the end of the day we are the only thing keeping another 9/11 from happening, sometimes sacrifices are needed, so you should be a little bit more grateful to the President.

"There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the


-George Washington|||"Thousands of troops are dying"? Where did you hear that? Since the Iraq war started, around 4300 troops have died. I really don't understand people like you.|||where do u get thousands from dont you mean like 30 a month it is going to take time for the troops to leave its a complicated situation in iraq|||I'm not a particular fan of our current President... or many of his policies or actions thus far. But he IS President. He WAS elected by the majority of the voters.

And, just because one is President, it doesn't mean that one stops doing what one normally does in the conduct of ones life. For example, I suspect he still showers, shaves, puts his clothes on, goes to the bathroom, eats, sleeps... and maybe even goes on dates with his wife. I'd also suspect that just about everybody who's ever occupied the White House has done the same thing. The only wrinkle is that now the media follow him... everywhere.

Campaign promises are made to get one elected. When one gets into office, and the reality of the situation hits, one realizes that the "promises" were, at best, ill advised. Campaign promises are not made by the person running for office. They're made by the political machinery behind him. Candidates seldom write their own speeches anymore. All the political machinery is interested in is power. They know the guy they're running is only likely to be there a few years. They don't care about him. All they want is for their candidate to win. What he does after that, they hope he succeeds. But, if he doesn't... next time they'll just run somebody else. So everything he does, they put as positive a spin on it as they can.

Here are a few words of advice from an old man. Don't vote the party, vote the candidate. Never bash a guy. It's futile and it's kind of like a "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone" thing. If a guy does something illegal (under the law, not just something you don't particularly like or don't think is "fair") then gather your evidence and report him to the authorities, don't point your finger and scream, "Did you see what he just did?"|||You are such an idiot, him going on a date has nothing to do with the troops being home, that is like saying, how does he even sleep knowing the economy is failing!?!?! why does he eat!?! does he ever exercise??? HE BETTER NOT!.... I heard Obama took his dog for a walk.... that selfish loser idiot two face Bastard!!!!!

If you want something to be mad at, there are plenty of things rather then a pathetic pointless date. I'm sure you can dig a little bit deeper then that. How about the fact alone that soldiers are overseas dying, and killing innocent people, and that they are the main reason this economy is in the sh*tter. How about the fact that Obama is a puppet, just like Bush, and every politican you have ever been alive to see, the last honest one was JFK, and if you don't know why, simply put it is because the Federal Reserve, if you don't know enough about them I suggest you read, and you can start worrying about other things that matter then a president going on a date.... reject.|||So you think the troops are just going to magically appear home? Or does common sense tell you that something like that takes time? maybe you don't know what common sense is since you're just following the bandwagon of Obama haters. Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do. And how could you know what that is if you never listened and instead got your information from a bunch of lying republicans on Fox news who like to twist words around. I watched both sides of the debate so i'm not confused like you and there's nothing wrong with giving your wife some attention. That's how you keep a relationship together. Bush stayed in hiding during his term because he was afraid of having more shoes thrown at him for being such a dumbass.

listen to you people complaining about the economy as if it was Obamas fault in the first place. He just gt in office and has to clean up one of the biggest messes made by a US president who you voted into office and cheated his way back in. Any everybody wants to talk about the economy like Obama did it to them. It's not Obamas fault that drug dealer is getting 3000 a month. he was making that money before Obama was in office but you talk as if this is some new occurence and point fingers at the president who just got in office and is trying to clean up things like this.|||Yes, Obama is allowed a social life. I think you need to get over yourself. President Obama is doing what he can for our nation. At least he didn't start a war (like Bush), and he's not super man. No, you don't have to like everything the president does, but he is your commander in chief. If you don't like it, go to Canada. So he likes to spend time with his family. I'm sure you like to spend time with your family as well. He can't just leave the war where it is now. That would be totally irresponsible. And, all you people accusing liberals and stuff need to grow up. Conservatives aren't any better. We need to work together. Bush had a social life for your information. He spent time with his family too. GROW UP!|||If you did some research, you would know that all past Presidents take holidays, etc. Google Crawford, Texas and Kennebunkport, Maine. Both President Bushes went to each throughout their presidencies.|||Thousands of troops are dying???

Where, Detroit?

How do I make the most efficient statement in MySQL?


Table containing many rows that each include a GameID and a Unix Timestamp (for when the game is played). What's the most efficient way to select all rows after a certain date (I know how to do that part) that orders by the GameID's that are most prevalant for that time period (not sure)? Can this be done in a single statement?|||Not sure about this...but try

SELECT * FROM games WHERE date %26gt; startdate ORDER BY COUNT(gameid)

Can a transaction show up on next months bank statement?

I received my first statement on the 10th of October and on that date a transaction was made, as bank statements are monthly I am wondering whether this will show up on the next months statement (which I assume is on the 10th of November), or because it has been shown already it wont again?|||If it was displayed on your October statement it will not show up on your November statement because that would be confusing for those trying to keep track of transactions. If you did the transaction on the 10th but it didn't clear until a later date and it wasn't physically on your October statement it will show up on your November statement.|||If you RECEIVED the statement on the 10th, the closing date of the statement was NO LATER than the 9th. Therefore any transaction that actually occurred on the 10th falls in the next statement period after the statement. It is also possible the statement occurred after the cutoff time to post on the 10th. If that is the case, the transaction occurred on the 11th as far as the bank is concerned.

Edit: I just checked a calendar. Oct 10, 2010 was a SUNDAY. As far as the bank is concerned, The ENTIRE day occurred on MONDAY, October 11.

Does California statute of limitations of 4 years for debt collection apply to complaint filing date or CMC?

Does California statute of limitations of 4 years for debt collection apply to complaint filing date or CMC

Actual expiration of 4 years according to statement by the debt collector is Febrary 27, 2009 and Case Management Conference (CMC) is scheduled for March 30, 2009. Is the statute expiration a valid defense at the CMC or is the complaint filing date is what matters?

Thank you very much.|||The statute of limitations starts on the date of the first missed payment which led to the default of the account. It can also be reset by making recent payments.

How would you format a statement of purpose letter to a graduate program?

By format, I mean, what should the final result look like? Where should I place my name? Should I title it? Should I date it? How long should it be? Thus far, it is formatted as follows, with my name as header:

Henry Bellfry

Statement of Purpose

Text is here. Blah blah blah. It continues like this for about 2 pages then stops.

***If you are unsure of your answer, please do not respond to this question.|||Use a clear and concise format. Don't ramble, but rather be specific. Include reasons you want to study in your chosen field, what makes you an ideal candidate, and why this school is the one school you want to study in. Include things like what you see yourself doing after completing the program, and how you might be able to contribute to the learning community and environment at this school during your program of study.

The way you started your format (above) is just right unless they give you a format with your admissions application packet.

Good luck.

IF Statement and adding to a Date?

Can someone please help me with this?

I have 5 possible options here is what I'm looking at, I'm not even sure I should use an IF Statement it just seems like it might work.

IF D4=CP then D4+270

IF D4=VR then D4+540

IF D4=CT then D4+540

IF D4=FL then D4+420

IF D4=GP then D4+540

I appreciate any help.|||IF D4=CP

then D4+270


then D4+540


then D4+540


then D4+420


then D4+540


then do default

Just added ELSE IF and default ELSE.

Adding ELSE IF means that system will not check any further once one of the IF condition is satisfied. Added ELSE means that your code will take care of all criteria. Just a good programming practice.

Otherwise your logic looks like it will work.

After Edits:

I don't believe in giving out ready work.

But here is what your IF statement should look like. Just replace the values.



IF(H10=I12,H10+7,H10)))|||Thank you Garbo7441 - I used your formula and received the best result. I am unable to change my Best Answer to yours though.

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You can also use this formula:

=IF(D4="CP",D5 + 270, IF(OR(D4="VR", D4="CT",D4="GP"),D5+540,IF(D4 = "FL",D5+420,"")))

I don't believe you can have D4 equal both "CP" AND "CP+270" simultaneously.

How would one add '270' to "CP", for example?

Do you mean a different cell reference in your example?

Access - how can I write an if statement testing two conditions?

I want to write an if statement testing two conditions.

In particular I want to say:

if date 1%26lt;DATE OR date 2%26lt;DATE

then field 4 = xx

else field 4 = yy

How can I write that in access (SQL)?

Thanks.|||Access doesn't use the CASE stucture, but there are a couple of alternatives, SWITCH or IIF. The latter is probably appropriate for your situation.

field4 = IIF(date1 %26lt; DATE OR date2 %26lt; DATE, xx, yy)|||You can use CASE expression in SQL:

Select case when (date 1%26lt;DATE OR date 2%26lt;DATE) then 'xx' else 'yy' end as [4]

from MyTable

In Access you can use IIF function.

IIF((date 1%26lt;DATE OR date 2%26lt;DATE),'xx','yy')|||I think it's translated into two update statements

it should look like

Update TableName

Set field4 = xx

where (date1%26lt; DATE) OR (date2 %26lt; DATE)

Update TableName

Set field4 = yy

where (date1%26gt;= DATE) AND (date2 %26gt;= DATE)|||its



else if



try that, it works for me in javascript...

Sql select statement, get data from todays date - 7 days ago?


i want to get all the data in my table having a certain baseset from seven days ago until today using my date_submitted format. Im new to this stuff so a help is greatly appreciated

sample table:

job_id | sms | logpoint | date_submitted | baseset

1 1 4400 thu sep 27,2010 10:10:10 setOne

2 2 4410 fri sep 27,2010 10:10:10 setTwo

3 3 4420 sat sep 27,2010 10:10:10 setOne

my sql:

select * from testing where baseset = 'setOne' and date_submitted = (what to put here)

thanks|||select * from testing where baseset = 'setOne' and date_submitted %26gt;= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -7 DAY)|||Actually, either of the above could be correct, depending on which DBMS you're using...the first works in MySQL while the second is for SQL Server. Oracle uses yet another different syntax. Since you specify MySQL, go with the first one.|||Simple

select * from testing where baseset = 'setOne' and date_submitted %26gt;=DATEADD(DAY,-7,GETDATE())

Do you agree to the statement a black man who doens't date black women?

Has very refined taste?|||Your neeeeeeeeew world heavyweight champion


Sorry, but I've seen BM date, well鈥?/a>

and this鈥?/a>|||No, I'd say he's a racist with issues.

Downing black females is no way to get others to like a person more, and it's doubly so for black people. Black is black, and to the rest of the world, no matter who we date, we're still viewed only negatively.|||No.

Why would that be? Everyone has different taste.....variety is the spice of life,'s Baskin and Robbins out here every day for me, baby.....31 flava's......*giggle*|||My fiance is very happy being with me and in the past in only dated classy attractive black women.|||lol.|||what is it with you and black women?!?! yeesh forgive that hot black girl in high school who thought you were a huge creeper already~!|||The people who bang your mother have refined taste? No. I dont think so.|||cow lover.|||ha ha are funny....|||no

ENJOY YOUR OWN LIFE!!!!!!!!|||Rocker, I proposed to you last night and you didn't respond! Don't break my heart, please!!

How to check issue date of license on a california driver license?

hi, i need to know the date issued of my driver license for a college statement of legal residence form. is there a way to check on the driver license's itself or would I need to call the dmv?|||Take a look at your license. It is under your signature.|||It is located directly below your signature.

Are dates on a credit card statement?

I know it shows the store name and the price, but does it show the date?|||It shows the transaction date and the date posted.|||Yes. At least they are supposed to.|||Yes.|||Yes it will.

I have always paid of my statement ending balance on due date. Why, I was still charged finance charge by CC.?

if you had a cash advance you always pay interest. if no cash advance you should call and ask.

I wonder if you could have missed a cut off by a few hours on last day?|||This is a pretty good question. Credit card companies seem to come up with all types of fees %26amp; charges to put on your bill no matter what. The only way to avoid them is to be knowledgeable, really.

Take one hour (or more) out of your day or weekend either go to your cc company's website to download or read the cc agreement they sent you with your card. You can find out about all of the different charges and benefits that come with the card you use. Most people don't wanna do this and it takes some reading but going through the card agreement is well worth it.|||If it arrives on the due date, but not early enough, it's still considered late.

You don't have a legal right to not have finance charges. Not all credit cards have a grace period. Some start charging the day of the purchase.

Cash advances never have grace periods. Taking money out of an ATM is a cash advance.|||Credit cards charge interest daily so unless you pay off your credit card the same day you charge on it you will be charged interest.

How do I get a letter/statement proving that I don't work for the same employer anymore?

I used to have 2 jobs. In September last year I stopped working in one of them. It was the Marriott. Now I need a letter or statement proving that I am no longer employed with Marriott since the date I stopped working there. I called 4myhr number and they told me they cannot give me that prove. So is there any other way for me to prove that I haven't been employed with them since September last year?|||You're asking them for the wrong information. Instead of asking for something saying that you do not work there, you need to ask for something that shows the dates you actually did work there.

How do I find out payoff on mortage without a closing date?

I was thinking of selling my home, but I want to know the payoff amount to see how much I would make off of it. If I call the mortage company for a quote, they want to know the closing date.

Does anyone know ABOUT how much more of the balance I get on my statement the payoff amount would be?|||There is not more than a payment's difference on any payoff, depending on when in the month you'd be actually paying it off. In all candor, the best way to get a payoff is to give them a hyopthetical closing date.

If you want a round number, just use the principle balance on your latest statement.

If you want a specific number, tell them you just want the payoff if you sell, not when you sell and the house isn't on the market. The rep should give you a per diem interest, pro rated formula from the latest mortgage balance, or give you an actual payoff on any hyothetical date you choose.

If you give them a date, they won't feel mislead.|||It would only be a estimation at this point. It's something your Realtor can provide you when they do a CMA. They base it on what your current balance is and project it out and deduct all estimated expenses. But again, it's only an estimation.

The day before closing you can request to see a copy of the HUD Statement, which is actual expenses.|||The mortgage company wants a date for the payoff to be able to include interest. You can get a ball park figure by getting your remaining balance and adding between 500-1,000 to it. I usually add high, just to be on the safe side. While it will not be accurate, it at least gives you an idea. Now you can ask for the payoff and give them a date 1 month in the future, but be careful here, they should give you options for delivery of the payoff, mail, fax etc. Do NOT opt for the fax for two reasons. One, your thinking of selling your home, you don't seem to be in a rush, your just putting together facts so while mailing it may take a few days, you can wait for it. I say this, and it's point number two, some, if not most company charge for every payoff fax. example, say you request a fax now, it can be a 20-40 dollar charge, then you sell the some and the attorney orders a payoff, there's another 20-40, closing gets delayed for whatever reason, new payoff has to be ordered, another 20-40. This is not hypethetical, this is reality and it happens. Hope this helps|||Just look at your mortgage statement. Add the principal balance and one month's interest and that will give you a close number. Mortgage interest is always paid in arrears, so you will owe interest + principal. For instance, if you paid off your mortgage on June 20, and you had already paid your June 1st payment, you would owe your principal balance and 20 days of interest. Most mortgage lenders also charge a fee to prepare and file a Lien Release or something similar, which is the public record to show that your mortgage is paid off. Its usually $20-$50.|||I call my bank's customer service line all the time to ask what my pay off would be. I do it so I can see how well I'm doing with the extra payments I'm making. All they ask for is my account number and the last 4 digits to my social to verify who I am. If your bank needs a closing date, they should have that in their computer. I've had my home several years. I don't remember the exact date I closed.|||Call %26amp; order for 30 days out- that's as far as they can give you anyway. You can always order another one later- which you know will be less as long as you continue to pay. Usually if you are current on your mortgage you can add 1 extra payment %26amp; be safe- unless you have a pre-payment penalty. There is no limit to how many times you can order a payoff but they may charge if it is an excessive amount of times.

Edit: You are getting some really wrong answers here- I think one of them thinks your mortgage company wants to know what day you closed with them- another telling you to call your real estate agent- one saying add $500-1000.00- %26amp; some saying to add only the interest for one month. If you are behind or have a pre-payment penalty that doesn't work- The $500-1000 is just wrong- Just order a payoff like I said %26amp; give them a 30 day out date. They won't mind.

What is a 'post date' on bank statement?

I purchased something on June 29/2009 and it appeared under "Trans date" on 06/29/2009. Beside it is "Post date" which says 07/01/2009 (today).

What is post date?|||That's the date that the funds were actually taken out of your account.

What happens if I don't pay my balance by the due date?

I got a new credit card about 6 weeks ago %26amp; was suppose to get my statement a couple weeks ago. Due to the post office strike that lasted 2 weeks, I just got my statement in the mail today. The due date for my balance was July 4, 2011.

What will happen? Also, if this goes on my credit report, how long will it show on there?|||It will not be on your credit report unless you pay later than 30 days PAST the due date.

Just send in the payment. They will charge you a late fee %26amp; it will be included on your next statement.|||Phone the credit card company and tell them what occurred. They will not mark it down but you'd know that you called. Submit your payment immediately and back date the check and put a note in there that you had the money but there was a post office strike. Then when your next statement comes out see if you were billed a late fee. If so then give the bank another call...say you called them, wrote a note, and there was a post office strike and you're asking for that late charge to be removed. They "should" remove the late fee. Of course all companies aren't the same but I asked that of the one I deal with and they said it's not considered late on your credit report unless three months have passed.|||You will be charged a late fee and your late payment will be recorded on your credit report. You could have logged online to get your statement or even called to make sure you would not be late, you can not blame this one on a strike. You can expect it to be on there at least a couple of years.|||You will have to pay a late fee. It will only go on your credit report if you are 30+ days late and then it would be on there for 7.5 YEARS. So keep that in mind during your youth. One stupid act can haunt you for a long long time!!!|||call the customer service number on the bill

What date is the posting date for invoices?

I need to know which date should I use as posting date, the invoice date or the due date? I am in the accrual basis of accounting and the fiscal year ends on Dec. 31. We have a financial statement reporting every month to each of the stockholders. I have invoices that have an "invoice date" of October, but are due in November. I haven't closed October, so I was thinking that these invoices belong to the month of October and thus I should post them in October, although this will bring the profit for the month low. Please advice. Thank you.|||Posting date should be the date when you have actually received the material or items mentioned in the invoice (this is the date you take the invoice into account in you books). Invoice date is the date Invoice is raised by the seller. Due date is the date when payment is due (if you enjoy credit facility). In the absence of credit, posting date and due date are same.

My divorce is already filed, is it to late to add a revised financial statement?

My divorce is already filed, we're awaiting our court date one month away, is it possible to send in a revised financial statement?|||Parent eSource has an excellent articles related to your question. try to read them:鈥?/a>|||its not too late until its finalized but you do need to hurry|||no the sooner the better

I need a good thesis statement for interacial dating.?

I need a good thesis statement abt interacial dating telling all the aspects abt it,%26amp; it has to be a VERY strong thesis too :)|||A thesis states briefly what you intend to prove in your paper, so you need to have an opinion as well as a topic. You haven't given an opinion. so no one can really help you.|||I don't think inter racial dating is as a big issue as it use to be. Nowadays it a question over whose kid is his or not and custody and child support case.

A big change, more single parents and mixed families. That has had a big effect on the family unit.

These date clubs are shady and tacky in my book.

I get a refund during the grace period on a credit card statement, can I reduce the payment accordingly?

I had a credit card statement of 1000. Within 4 days I get a refund of 200 during the grace period of 15 days. The payment date then follows 11 days later and the credit card company still try to take 1000 - so making my credit card a positive balance - which is not what I want! Can I insist on only paying 800? They then tell me that I will be charged to taking cash out of a positive balanced credit card. Can they do that?

What is stupid is that if I dispute 200 - they will only take 800. Some credit card companies do not do this - but if you stop the direct debit (especially on a charge card) and just pay the actual account balance - then there is no charge.

If I decide to pay my bill in 3 parts for example during the grace period so the total is paid then that is not a problem: as long as the whole amount is paid. Well that is effectively what is happening here - but one part is paid by the refund. How can this be justified?|||Both you and the credit card company are trying to use the rules to their advantage. That is why I do NOT set up auto-pay agreements when I can pay on line myself. However, if I forget to make the payment, then I am up the creek. Auto-pay arrangements avoid forgetfulness.

Some credit card companies do reduce the minimum payment by the credits when they are on the account books. Some do not do so until the bill is printed which would place the 200 against the next payment.

You need to review the minimum payment schedule for the account. It should also have information how credits are applied.

When you do in fact have a credit balance after paying off the account, most will send you a refund check without a fee. Verify that with this account.|||Banks do not want you to run a positive balance on your credit cards, because it is not meant to be a checking account.

Report Abuse

When is the right time to pay credit card statement?

In my monthly statement, it says the minimum monthly payment, but I want to pay more than that to pay it off sooner. Is it best to pay more or extra (above the minimum amount due) before, after, or at the payment due date? Does it make a difference when I make the extra payments before the next due date comes? I'm just trying to minimize the amount of interest charged, so I'm thinking if I make extra payments before every due date, rather than afterwards, or does it really matter?|||You have to pay at least the minimum by the due date on it. You can pay the full amount if you choose to do so (which I do since it's the responsible thing to do). If you don't want to pay any interest pay the full balance. But If you don't care about interest just pay the minimum.|||The earlier in the statement cycle you pay, the less interest you will accrue for that cycle. If you can make on-line payments, say twice a month at paydays, go ahead and do it that way. As long as your minimum is in before the cut-off date, you're good. But the faster you pay it down, the less interest you pay (like a mortgage, it accrues interest daily). Hope this helps, and good luck!|||Careful with making payments before you get the bill in the mail.

A lot of people think that this will avoid the minimum payment / month. I doesn't

So if you pay extra today - check your statement in the mail and make sure you pay at least that minimum. Of course, the sooner you pay the better to save money in interest

For best credit scores that will amaze any future creditor:

Pay your credit card bill in full each month.

Carrying balances not only reduces credit. It can destroy lives|||Interest is calculated on the average daily balance. So the sooner you pay, the less interest. Always pay BEFORE the statement due date.

Be careful about making multiple payments. Some cards will freeze your online account after a certain number of payments per month. They really don't want you to make mulitple payments.

Once you get that credit card paid off, only charge what you can afford to pay in full every month. That will build your credit and avoid interest.|||I always keep a certain amount at least for 3 months to be paid for the credit cards since I never remember when is the due date. It's important to keep a good credit than paying extra interests with black records there. This could be caused a bank loan and you never get it approved.|||at least by the due date

if you want to pay extra, just include it with your regular payment

Survey : Would you date a woman who shaved her head as a fashion statement ? Seriously ?

rofl at mike.|||nope .;_ylt=AqgDYB9GZpmEkbd_mO1MqpPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100410103208AAkBs7p pls answer mine .|||Would an elephant dry-hump a bunny?

Is a signed statement from a neighbor admissible in court?

There were false allegations of abuse against my son and husband in regards to our two younger children. I am still fighting to prove the allegations false. In the meantime, my daughter (middle child) was removed from the home and given to her biological father. He lives in a one bedroom apt where there are 3 - 4 adutls living. My daughter sleeps on a loveseat .In court her father lied about the number of people living in his home. He has since admitted to me that at least one other person besides him and his wife live there however, he could always lie and say he never said. If I were able to get at least two of his neighbors to sign a statement that says "from this date to this date I have observed 3-4 adults living in apt X" would those statements be admissible in court?|||Only if they are notarized by a note of republic!|||i would have a witness to the signatures, preferably a neutral party so as not to make it seem like a dog fight.|||Yes, just give them to your lawyer. Also your lawyer might want to interview the people who wrote the letters for you and maybe even have them subpoenaed to court, depending on the severity of the case. Also make sure whatever letters you get to use in court are notarized by a notary-public.

In an investment statement, what does the term federally taxable mean? Is that the amount owed to the IRS?

I'm looking at an old investment statement and was wondering if "Federally Taxable" means that is the amount owed to the IRS for that particular statement? I'm looking at a line that is listed under "source of income" first column is Federally taxable credit interest earned. The second column is "current period" then the dollar amount under that. The third column is "year to date" and then there's a much larger dollar amount under there. I'm reading this as the current period amount shown could be whats owed to the IRS correct?|||That amount is taxable at a rate based on your current income tax bracket. Your broker has no way of knowing your bracket, so can't calculate a tax.|||No, it means this is the amount of interest income you will add to your tax return on the line right below the one where you enter your wage income.

If your tax bracket is 10%, you could owe 10% of of the additional income in tax.

The current column is the amount of interest earned this month; the YTD colum is the amount of interest earned since the beginning of the year. The amount for YTD on the December statement is the one that will be reported to you on the 1099-INT and is the amount you put on your tax return.

If you pay off the bill completely before the credit card statement comes, are you charged for interest?

I wanted to get a credit card for gas (the speedpass one with Mobil), but the interest is freaking 25% or something crazy like that. If my due date was the 30th of the month (say statements coming on the 15th). If I used it, and paid it off completely every month before the statement was issued (in this case the 15th), would I be charged for interest?|||maybe if they don't process it before it's due.

better to get a debit card that works off a check account.|||no

but with another card, if you take money, then you owe interest from the day it's posted, until the day they get their money|||Every credit card has a grace period on their cards varying from 20 to 30 days. If you pay before that time period, then you will not get charged interest.|||No you wouldnt owe any interest. The only time you owe interest on a credit card is when you carry over a balance from one month to the next|||Yes, they will try to! Even when paid by phone...Sometimes if you call, they will remove it... They do it to me all the time! One tried to collect a 1.22.... I just threw it away

All of them were paid before the grace period, Maybe it was just the credit cards I had.........

I made a statement in there any way the judge wont use it at the next court date?

It was a court date for my dad.I have gone to all of his court dates and once again it was continued.I asked the judge if he had the attorneys contact info so I could call him and find out what was going on..because at this time I didnt know they decided to continue it again and I basically said Im tired of coming to court and nothing happening.I really would rather the judge didnt use my statement in court..I didnt know he was going to make it an official statement or anything but I dont want it being there anything I can do?|||Without knowing more about your case and what exactly happened, I can't tell you for sure. But, since it isn't evidence-related, the judge probably won't use it in the technical since. However, you may have ticked the judge off by saying what you did and hurt your dad's case, depending on the circumstances. It's never wise to tick off the judge.

I don't know for sure, like I said - would need to know more about what's going on than you have described.|||If it was on record, anyone is free to use it. The only way to avoid it is to get it stricken from the record and that's going to cost you lots of court time and money. And even then, you're chances are pretty slim.

Is it possible to retract a statement you made to an officer about admitting to a crime?

I was pressured into saying i did a crime that i did not do and i was just scared so i told the detective what i thought he wanted to here but now i know that was wrong. So on the court date is it possible i can retract my statement and say i didn't do the crime? there also is no evidence i did the crime either.|||You can't retract your statement, but it can be deemed inadmissible based on miranda.|||It is always possible to retract a statement, you just need a very good explanation why you're doing it. But I suggest you get yourself a lawyer and discuss everything with him/her. Good luck.|||Unless the confession was taped, or on paper, it most likely will not stick in court. I like what Brown said. Take it to jury court, and deny that you said anything to the police. Now, if the confession was taped or written, then you should definitely offer to plead guilty and make a deal.|||YES. just change your story and stick with it.

they will try and say this and that...but its not what u know its what u can prove.

take it to jury trial.

Where should I get a HUD settlement statement for a home I own that is signed and executed?

I am needing some paperwork for my home and it is asking for a copy of the HUD Settlement Statement that is signed, dated and fully executed from the Closing. I am looking at my packet closing documents from that day and, while I have a copy of the settlement statement, it is NOT signed, dated and fully executed.

Should I have received this at closing? Or at another time? And from whom should I have received this? The lawyer? I'm just trying to figure out where else to look for this.|||Where did you close escrow? At a title company or escrow office? They will have a copy of the HUD1. If an attorney did it, then they would have a copy as would any realtor involved. The HUD is two pages and is usually on the top of the closing packet. They aren't signed and I just looked up the form online which doesn't even have a signature line. There is a date at the top under (I, Settlement Date) which is the date of closing. So the form you have sounds like the A. settlement statement.

Fully executed just means that it was used at closing. There isn't anything stamped. You get the packet at closing from the escrow agent, attorney or title company.|||You got it at closing.

Called a RESPA or HUD-1. It's a long sheet with several columns showing the entire transaction between seller and buyer and new lender. Closer brought it in, and lawyer should have gone over it with you. Everyone signed it.|||You will need to get that HUD statement signed and dated, since it was apparently not done at closing.

How do you retract statement made to investigator?

I made a written statement to an investigator 4 months ago about a friend of mine who was doing some identity theft as she called it. I wasn't the main person and i havn't been called to any of the court date for him unlike the other person who is basically the main witness. I would like to retract the statement because i really remember what was going on truely and i could rather not have nothing to do with it. It's been 4 months and i've moved on with my life. So i'm trying to see how do i get the statement just removed?|||So you made a statement to an investigator without an attorney I assume. This mistake is more common than oxygen it seems.

Without going through major legal contortions, you probably cannot withdraw the statement.

Many investigators are experts at cajoling, begging and threatening (and many unethical ones are also experts at lying). So don't feel too badly about it.|||The only way you can retract your statement is if you said something that is not true. If you lied then, and admit the truth now, you are leaving yourself open to criminal prosecution.

Not wanting to be involved is not a valid reason to retract your statement.

I have a court date in may. Would the judge allow me to make a statement?

I received i carpool violation, one redlight violation, and 3 fix-it tickets for registration being expired. my question is because i have a court date coming up in May you can imagine that i am quite nervous because i have never been in court before. my record in general is clean. i dont have any felonies or anything. but im getting off subject. my question is would the judge allow me to make a statement regarding my tickets? I wanted to do volunteer service and get my license back as well. so if i come up with a statement that covers why i would like my driving priveledges back and perhaps volunteer service would he/she consider cutting me some slack? Need advice|||you are absolutely entitled to make a statement. when your court date comes, the judge will ask you why you had all these violations. you will then have the opportunity to make your statement. make sure all of your fees are paid off by the due dates, and that your registration is up to date as well. not paying your violations on time will only make things worse. you could end up having to pay more, or possibly have a warrant issued for your arrest. make sure that you acknowledge your mistakes, and assure the judge this will not happen again. your offer to do community service is a good idea, although the judge will ultimately decide what you will have to do. you might have to take driver's improvement classes as well as community service anyway. make sure you are respectful and humble in your request. as far as getting your license back, you may not get it back until you have fulfilled the requirements set by your judge. if you have any questiong regarding your license, go to your local mvd and ask them if there is anything you can do about it. they may be able to help you as well.|||You can make a statement but don't waste court time . They hate getting off the subject. Slack? Depends on if he/she has had a good night.|||Prepare a statement. Ask if you can read it. If you're not allowed, ask if you may submit it to the judge to be taken into consideration.|||prolly if you impress the judge and not act like a child and dress like a idiot dress to impress but your licence prolly wont get taken away unless you have alot of previouse moving violations|||Please forgive me for saying this, but are you NUTZ! With that laundry list of occurences and your need to get your license back -- where is your ATTORNEY???!!! Do not go to court without one.

If you get a GOOD attorney, let them do all of the talking, that is what they are paid for.

Every table in oracle has few default fields like date etc, what is the sql statement to show these?

Basic statment like "select * from emp" does not show these statements . Kindly let me know the statement to show these fields - its very urgent|||You can select directly from the data dictionary which contains the information about your table. For example:


column_name "Name",

nullable "Null?",


FROM user_tab_columns


If you are using SqlPlus, you can use the DESC command as described here:

Another option, which is a lot easier, is to use a tool like DBVisualizer which can show you the table structure (and I believe the new version can even generate the create script for you). Get the free version here:鈥?/a>

'some parts of the bible are out of date they should be removed' what do you think about this statement?

what do you think of this statement??

Any proof??|||It is all out of date and not relevant to modern times.|||Anything that the N.T. supersedes over the O.T. should be considered.

But even when Paul teaches about proper conduct in the a strictly societal realm, - it's still great to use these Bible verses for a historical lesson.

So actually, - nothing should be 'removed', - it's all for our benefit.|||Absolutely yes. Proof:

Demons don't cause schizophrenia or blindness or deafness. Leprosy CANNOT be cured by sacrificing two birds. Bats are NOT birds. Rabbits don't chew their cud. Insects don't walk on four legs. Men cannot live to be 900 years old. There could not have been a world-wide flood. People don't rise from the dead. Zombies don't flood the city. Rules on how to keep slaves are ABSURD. Women should not stay quiet and submissive to their men. People should not be stoned to death for being disobedient to parents or being gay. Women who get raped should not have to marry the rapist. People do not deserve infinite punishment for finite crimes. The earth was not here before the stars. The mustard seed isn't the smallest of seeds. The entire genetic diversity of the world's ecosystems cannot fit on a boat the size of a football stadium. Stars cannot fall to the earth, and they are certainly not small objects. It doesn't take 40 years to walk a thousand miles. We should not greet each other with a holy kiss.

etc. etc.|||What do I think about this statement? First, I like the respectful tone of your question. It's truly refreshing. :) Second, I disagree. Since you do ask about the bible, let me give you two scriptures to consider

2 Timothy 3:16,17 ( from the KJV cuz I don't have access to the NWT right now)

ALL scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

(Romans 15:4) For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

It's true, the Mosaic Law, which of course is contained in the OT, is no longer in force. But does removing the accounts of the lives of faithful ones like Daniel, Isaiah etc. make sense. No. Why? If you look at all of Hebrews 11, Paul lists those faithful individuals and refers to them as a "great cloud of witnesses" whose stories encourage us down to this day.|||You're in error. What is your knowledge concerning "the hidden wisdom" contained within The HOLY Bible (KJV) %26amp; what is your "understandings of GOD'S JUDGMENTS?"

There are "instructions that provide the reproof of life" in the O.T. %26amp; from Exodus chapters 21 - 23 you will find The JUDGMENTS of GOD.

These instructions are for those of us that willingly serves GOD'S WILL %26amp; PURPOSE by doing our part ( as we live in The LAWS of GOD ) to work out our own salvation %26amp; not carried about by every wind of doctrine that's in the world today.|||revelation 21-19 "and if any man shall take away from the Words of the book of this prophesy God shall take away his part out of the book of Life.and out of the Holy City.and from the things which are written in the book. He which testifieth these things saith Surely I come quickly Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus."|||The bible is not a grocery store item that gets repacked and put on sale just to get customers. It is the Word of God who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.|||i have never read alice in wonderland, but I know its complete drivel. some parts should be removed. like for instance: any sentence with the word "the" in it.|||Why are you reading the bible if you do not like what in it .its been written long before you were born.and will continue long after you are dead .|||I disagree for more than one reason, but I'll mention only one. I can read the whole bible and decide for myself which parts are out of date. I don't want someone else deciding for me.|||I disagree ... slightly.

I think the entire thing is out of date. I think that all religion should be replaced by science.|||Thats because whoever wrote this does not believe God is the same, yesterday, today and forever.|||The whole Bible should be removed and replaced with Alice in Wonderland.|||I think you should learn to use punctuation and capital letters.|||Not a complete statement. The whole of the bible is out of date, and should be binned.|||I think it is nonsensical, that's what I think.|||Well... the problem for theists is that if we do that, we end up with no bible at all.

In mysql how to compare a date(i.e. 2000-05-08) with a datetime (i.e. 2000-05-08 10:30:50) in select statement?


I have to build a mysql statement which has to select all records for a

specific date. The date is stored in a timestamp column.

I don't know how to compare a date (i.e. 2000-05-08) with a datetime

(i.e. 2000-05-08 10:30:50) in a select statemen|||You could convert them both to a string:

DATE_FORMAT(date_field1, '%d-%m-%Y') = DATE_FORMAT(date_field2, '%d-%m-%Y')

Or you can cast the datetime to a date field using

CAST(date_field1 as Date)|||You just redefine the datetime as you select it|||well they are two separate data type of my sql as u r familiar with my sql so alter the table and change the date time to date then only u can compare

I recently contacted a financial inc to get a copy of my satisfactory (paid in full) statement in order to fix?

a few errors on my credit report. My plan was to send all of my satisfactory paid in full letters. I checked my credit report and i see the financial inc account updated my "Date Reported" to the date i called for the statement. Is this legal? Will this add years to the date this account was suppose to be erased from my credit report?|||Yes, it can effect your time frame of when the item will fall off.

Contact your creditors and if they are paid in full, ask them for a "PAID IN FULL, PAY FOR DELETE".

If you haven't paid them, they have a right to keep reporting that way.

The Date of the Income Statement?

A.) covers a period of time, usually for an accounting period

B.) may cover a period of time or only one day in time,like a snapshot photograph

C.) is not dated

D.) Covers One Day at a time|||The Date of the Income Statement

A.) covers a period of time, usually for an accounting period

Remember an income statement is always "for the period from (date) to (date)" or "for the year ended (date)" etc, it's never just a date. On the other hand, a balance sheet is always "as at (date)", never for a period.

Please post your responses to this statement?

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our plice more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

Do you agree or dissagree with it?

Why or why not?

Bonus question: Who made this statement?

Provide names, dates, examples, illustrations, manifesto's, protestations, aggravations, infestations, and complications.

Do not attempt to answer more than one question before less than two questions have been asked.|||Man, does Avril Lavigne have a tight little body|||I disagree. It will accomplish nothing.|||Agree. It would be a world of hope. If you don't have a gun, you can't use a gun.|||Disagree. There will always be some who will misuse their weapons, even if they are registered.

And it world didn't follow the lead of Adolf Hitler who said this back in 1935.|||a gun registration might make 'the streets' marginally safer, but outlawing guns is much more rational.

Let me guess: This quotation is attributed to an authoritarian like Hitler? And he never even said it? And you're a member of the NRA trying to cope with the Virginia Tech massacre? Thought so...|||"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States." - Noah Webster|||Ummmmm can you repeat the question please? LOL

Monday, December 12, 2011

Will the credit card company tell you your expiration date over the phone?

My mother(in FLA at the moment) has a credit card that she wants to use to buy me a train ticket with but the card is at home so she would have to call the number in and pay over the phone. She knows the number since she got it off of the billing statement, but does not have the expiration date since that is not displayed there. If she calls the company, would they tell her the expiration date over the phone?|||doubtful - the "caller" could be someone who stole the teh card number and just needs the exp date to be able to use it

Can anyone tell me the date of the chancellor's Autumn statement (UK)?

The last "Autumn Statement" was read under the last Tory government.

It was replaced in 1997 by the "PBR - the Pre Budget Report". This sounds a trifling unimportant name change, but the reason is that it is not given a fixed date, so may not be given in the Autumn, and has been given in October, November, or December, by Gordon Brown when he was Chancellor.

Alistair Darling gave his first PBR on 12 March 2008.|||February 29, 2019

In Quickbooks how do I seperate invoices from deposits in the P/L statement? Both list causing a discrepancy.?

I am preparing a year to date P/L statement and this is causing the total sales to be inflated because both are listing.|||If you have deposits showing up on your P%26amp;L, then the deposit was recorded against sales. Deposits should be offsetting the Accounts Receivable account, which is the Invoice. This causes your income to be double stated, first from the invoice and second from the deposit.

If your deposits offset against income, then the fastest way to clean up the P%26amp;L would be to delete the invoice (because the deposit already records the income). This is not the recommended way to use QuickBooks, however.

The recommended way of handling invoices, payments and deposits is as follows:

When you receive money from a customer, you should be going to the Customers menu and selecting Receive Payments. You then can select which invoices the customer is paying. The payments will then be put into an account called Undeposited Funds. You would then go to the Banking menu and select Make Deposits, which will show all the payments that you have received. You then select the payments that were deposited together.

Girls, What do you get from this statement of your Date?,please...?

very brief: i dated a guy for a month, some hugging and dancing, but few days ago i kissed him for the first time. after that he was sick so didnt contact me at all unless i sent him any text he replied. unlike before that he used to send textx and call everyday several times. so last night i asked him to go out and he asked where to go but never replied back. later at night i said if he decided and he said because of the medicine he went asleep and its not wise to go far.

then i asked if i scared him with that kiss,cause i thought he was ready for that. and he replied: no, not scared,though not sure if im ready, but then when does anyone know? thank you fro being nice to me when im sick. will you still be nice when im better?

1. should i believe he was really sleeping because of anti biotics, or he just didnt want to see me.

2. from his answer do you get he is still interested in me but a bit unsure about kiss or not.

he is approaching 30.|||i think he probably decided the jail bait wasn't worth it

even if he's really 30 you have to be about 12 so...

i'd give it up|||hes married. leave it alone. he doesn't want to see you anymore. forget about him. move on. sad but true.|||He's 30 and afraid of some kisses. I think he has decieded to move on.

Problem Statement:Write a c++ program which consists of two classes:First class Date should contain three data?

Problem Statement:

Write a c++ program which consists of two classes:

1. Date

2. Student

First class Date should contain three data members:




Date also contain following member functions:

Setter function

Getter function


Now second class Student should have following three data members:




Where ID and Name are char pointer while Ad_date (Date of Admission) is of type Date.

Student class should contain two member functions:



Now in main function create an object of Class Student and call the member functions with it.


Sample output:

Name: Ali

ID: BC020400000

Admission Date: 12-08-2008|||This will give you the basics to get started. Try to add to it to complete the program. Email if you need help.

class Date


int Day, Month, Year;


SetDate(Date *pOther);


class Student


char * ST_ID,


Date Ad_Date;


Student(char *id, char*name, Date *pAdmitDate;


Date::SetDate(Date *pOther)


Day = pOther-%26gt;Day;

Month = pOther-%26gt;Month;

Year = pOther-%26gt;Year;



Student:Student(char *id, char*name, Date *pAdmitDate)


ST_ID = id;

Name = name;


}|||Man this is easy, and I've never been to school for this stuff :)

I was Joing my present company on 16/10/2006, but till date i have not received pf statement how i can get it?

Ask your HR people.. Its their duty to give employee's PF status statement on every financial year ending..

Do you agree or disagree with this statement about dating?

"In order to get the girl, you must also accept the fact that you are willing to risk losing her. With the girl whom you are attracted to, rejection is somewhat more comforting than wondering what if. You are the pursuer and she is the prize. Either make it sexual or chase her away. Living in harmony together would be like living in eternal hell."|||Yea partly, but not with this part "You are the pursuer and she is the prize. Either make it sexual or chase her away. Living in harmony together would be like living in eternal hell"|||Pretty much. No woman is a prize though.|||wait i dont get it? i mean like the ending but like seriously explain it to me plz|||I think this quote is far too detailed and covers so many different areas of a relationship, it shouldn't be written like this. But that's beyond this question.

"You are willing to risk losing her" ... Well duh, what if you break up? But it'd be worse to never have been with her, like it states later on.

"Rejection is somewhat more comforting that wondering what if" ... I agree completely, it's like I just said, it's better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all.

"She is the prize" ... No, no, no! Women are not objects to be won. They have if not more, equally complex brains as men do and don't need a man to be happy. I understand the whole "chase" thing, and all the primal instincts etc, but a woman should not be considered lesser than a man.

"Make it sexual or chase her away" ... Yep. No sex, no fun.

"Living in harmony together would be like living in eternal hell" ... What the F is this BS. Is this saying marriage is hell for a man? Well it doesn't have to be. Your future is whatever you make it and living the rest of your life alone, without a family would be an empty sad life. Marriage is not hell.|||Yeah kinda.

Help answer mine:);_ylt=AqnhQYRFSpmbr2AQ8jnSJrLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090802135204AApAD5G

Can you finish this statement. "His date was so ugly she .........?"?

Be creative!|||made his grandma look good|||was you... you asked|||had a glass eye with a fish in it ....????

Ever listen to Pharcyde (your momma)?|||... made people faint.|||made him the dime piece.|||had to tie a pork chop around her neck to even get the dog to play with her|||delete the she and say " even God thinks he made the wrong creation" or " when someone looks at her they die" or "when she smiles, aliens capture her, the SWAT team comes, and the big ugly germs start singing 'we are family! even though ur uglier than me!'"|||" . . . made his mama look good!"

Which of the following statements regarding the date of a cash dividend declaration is not accurate:?

A the dividend can be rescinded once it has been declared. B. The corporation is committed to a legal, binding obligation. C. the board of directors formally authorizes the cash dividend. D. A liability account must be increased.|||Since (A) and (B) directly contradict each other, one of them is the correct answer. In this case the answer is (A). Although stock dividends may be rescinded after they are declared, cash dividends may not.

Is there a way to get a year to date taxable income print off or report?

I work on a 1099 and trying to get statement of my current year to date adjusted income after filling out the schedule C. Does anyone know how or if this can be done.|||Sure, you get blank copies of the 2010 forms and fill them in.|||you might ask the payer of your 1099 income how much so far but it is your responsibility to keep track of your own income, you are as an independent contractor the captain of your own ship--you need to keep your own records

the payer has no knowledge of what your sch C will look like|||No it cannot. No one knows what your expenses are so they cannot give you an adjusted income.|||No. You have to keep track of this yourself.

Is a certified copy of the registration of a Statement of Live Birth a long form birth certificate?

I am planning a trip overseas with my son (due to leave within a month!) and was going to apply for a passport for my 11 year old son tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, his birth certificate seems to have disappeared!

What I do have is a certified copy by the Office of the Registrar-General of Ontario of the Statement of Live Birth with a registration number, date issued. It shows details of the birth (name, weight etc.) as well as information about the doctor %26amp; both parents.

Now, I understand that a long form birth certificate may be required in the case of applying for a child's passport. My question is, will this be acceptable? It is a legal document issued by the government with all the necessary particulars! So, is it the same as a long form birth certificate and do you think it will be accepted as proof of Canadian citizenship at the passport office? Please help %26amp; offer any answer that you can! Thanks in advance.|||Yes as far as I know it is..........I was shocked when I got my daughters birth certificates........and the long form was the one I had filed out in the hospital....if I would of know that I would of written neater! I now warn all my friends to be careful and need when filling out the long form....this birth certificate (long form) the only one that will get you a passport so its really good that you have it......most people only get the small one and this is NOT sufficient for getting a passport......... hope this all can get a passport in a few days so dont panic about the time.........but applying regularly should also be sufficent....make sure the photo is acceptable before leaving the passport NOt mail in your application..........otherwise they may send you a letter weeks later telling you the photo was not accepted (shadow etc....) try to take your little one with you to the passport office......INCASE they request another can then go straight away....and retake if needed......gosh havent I gone on!! Hope it was helpful...have a super trip...going anywhere nice? L.Butler|||What you have should be fine (from what I understand). The trouble you're going to run into is trying to get a passport in under a month. Good luck with that one.

Excel Question: Referencing a date in SUMIF statement?

I'm trying to sum expenses between two dates. Ex. Sept.1/08 and Sept.31/08. I have the start and end date in two different cells:"A1 and A2. This is what I was trying to do, but it doesn't seem to be working.


I know I could use the numeric value of the dates, ex. "39760" but I don't want to manually enter them every month. I want to be able to reference them in another cell. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.|||i am not sure why the wizard does that

you would think it would be more logical


wizard puts the quotes around stuff like "%26lt;=A1"

but it should concatenate them together "%26lt;="%26amp;A1

just in case it comes up...

sumifs() is an excel 2007 only formula. if you want to make it backward compatible with excel 2003, then you have to use sumproduct(). you would have to use something like this.

=SUMPRODUCT((D1:D99%26gt;=A1)* (D1:D99%26lt;=A2)*(G1:G99))

I need a thesis statement 4 this prompt ASAP?

Access the APA website ( and look up at least 5 Divisions of the APA that you think might be the most interesting areas of psychology in which to have a career. Write a brief description of what each of these divisions does

Discuss the various APA Divisions. Write a breif description of each. What do they do? What is their mission statement? What date was it founded.|||Why are you on this website, rather than the one you were supposed to go to?

How can I find expiration date for missing credit card?

I cannot find one of my credit cards. I do not need the physical card because I only want to use it online, not in person. I have the account number and a bill/statement. How do I find the expiration date?|||Call the phone number on your bill statement and they can tell you your expiration date.

If the phone number is not on your statement call 1-800-555-1212, give them your Credit card name and they should be able to give you your credit card phone number.

You should always keep a list of your Credit Card Account phone numbers in case you lose or your credit card is stolen so that you can cancel it right away. This can be done 24/7.|||Fraud prevention is one of the reasons they don't put that on the statements.|||I don't think you can. You would also need that 3 digit security number off of the back of the card anyway.|||A credit card company will never provide you that information.If your card is missing then you need to report it. If someone else has it then its maxed out. Are u sure this is your card this sounds shady

What are my rights in uk retracting a date rape statement.due to physical and mental health probs ?

i asked the police for some support but made it clear i didnt want to report it, but they asked me what happened off te record, then wrote it and asked me to sign it, then they said it was out of my hands.they threatened to seize my comp to get his name as i didnt tell them.

I got my psyc nurse to tell them i was too ill and fragile to go through a case, they said it'd go to the CPS to ask to be dropped but just found out it is still open with the police.

I went through a sexual assault case 4 yts ago and they floored me in court with dirty tricks, i lost the case had a breakdown and ended up in psyc hosp.. i lt ruined me, so i can't go through this again.. i'm so scared they'll make me , take my comp or put me in jail if i dont go... i was so stupid to ask the police for support.please help.|||you can retract any statements that has your name on it by requesting such a copy of it.

Depending on your physical and mental conditions they might make it hard on you, but if you had an attorney then your attorney could get such for you with also protecting your rights in this statement made.

Usually the record dept of where the police is located usually has such.

Which statement do you start with on a first date with your sexy girl ?

Well I need something that really makes sense...|||Just say "hi" how are you doing, you look nice tonight" play it cool, alot of people think you have to act amazing and chances are she would notice that you were trying way too hard, one big piece of advice is this: make her feel comfortable, it's a first date, just casual conversation, people generally like it when you ask them about themselves and she wants to know about you too, so tell the truth and try not to brag, hopefully she'll appreciate a nice guy if you are one, if you try and act like a sugar daddy it probably won't go that well, maybe watch the movie Hitch, if you dance like Kevin James I wouldn't advise going to a club|||On a first date you just chat. If the chat goes towards sex, great, but never steer it that direction. Just be your self, relax, and see how she is. You will know by the end of the first date whether another date is going to happen, and most likely a lot more about her likes/dislikes, and the second date will tell you a lot more. Just don't push, but go with the flow if she starts anything!|||Well...tell her how you feel be yourself, she'll like you for who you are!

xoxo Elizabeth|||lol dude let it flow. Its not what you say, but how you say it. Say whatever you want man.

What is my professor trying to convey here about my tentative thesis statement?

Choose two works from one of the "genre" groups (fiction, poetry, drama). You will be required to write a "comparison and contrast" research paper composition. The tentative thesis statement emailed to me on the due date should reveal that you have at least scratched the surface of a topic to determine it's topography and where you would like to "land".|||It's a bit heavy on the geographical metaphors!

All he is saying is that he wants you to think about what you might be intending to look at in detail, and just give him an idea of what that is and where you might be going with it. By saying he would like to know where you would like to land, he is asking you to let him know what you are expecting your conclusions to be. So - it's just a rough sketch of the areas you will examine in looking at the two works, and what you hope to conclude. He doesn't expect it to be cast in stone, it's just tentative - it's bound to change as you start thinking more about it, but he just wants to know where you are starting from.

That way, he can steer you in the right direction if he thinks you are going totally wrong, but he can also see how your ideas are developing.

Is it just me, or are movies the worst first date choice?

This is partially to give a word of sage advice, and partially to see if others think the same way.

Here's my stance on the issue: Movies are an awful choice for a first date because you don't actually get to know your date, you just sit there awkwardly next to them.

Please, discuss, I'd be interested to know why people continue to go to movies as a first date, the aforementioned statement being true.|||I, personally, hate going to movies on any date. A date is supposed to be time spent with your date, not staring at a movie screen. But, for more shy people, going to the movies is perfect. You spend time together without speaking. Its lame, but it works for some people.|||I think people choose this form of a first date because they are already uncomfortable with a potential budding relationship. I find that sad, because I too agree that sitting there next to someone you obviously long to get to know better is a lousy way to get to know them.

In fact, I've been married to my husband for several years and we've only been to a movie twice. Both of us agree that we'd much rather be conversing with one another, learning about each other's likes/dislikes than wasting 90 minutes not nurturing the relationship further...

Does it make a difference if you pay off your credit card before statement or anytime before due date?

What I'm doing right now is keeping balance below about 30% of my limit, and paying off in full a couple times a month, resulting in my monthly credit card statements being for $0. I just want to know if there is anything bad about me always having statements that show 0 balance, meaning there are no statements for me to pay, but there are balances that I pay every couple weeks. Or does it make no difference when I pay, as long as I pay before the due date.

If you can link to a source that supports your answer I would really appreciate it, because I want to be sure.|||It makes absolutely no impact on your credit profile as long as you DON'T pay late.

Buying something on the 1st week of the month, paying it off on the second week, then buying something on the 3rd week, then paying it off on the fourth week has no impact on your credit. What impacts your credit is late payments, over limits, etc. Credit profiles are updated monthly, not weekly or daily.

I'm absolutely sure.|||No. Just make the payment on or before the due date.|||it's a myth to carry a balance to build credit

I have been building credit for the last 6 months and my score is in the 700+ range Using a Online estimator

i have a balance and pay in full

The secret is to pay some before the "Closing Date" to lower the Utilization Ratio

check you bill for the next Closing Date

let say i owe

250$ on the account and lets say the closing date is in 5 days i pay $200 then in 5 days my Utilization Ratio will be only $50 out of $900 and that is what Will be Reported to the 3 credit bureaus (both of my banks report to all 3 credit bureaus)

balances are reported so the only amount reported is $50

I also get a "OK" sticker on my report :) after i pay in full

the only stickers they give out is "OK" "30" "60" "120+"

trust me you do not want 30 60 or 120+ that means your late on the minimum payment|||It makes no difference as long as you pay by the due date. The proof you seek will be in the Terms and Conditions of your credit card issuer.

If my date shaved her head as a statement to cancer, shoud i shave mine for respect at the dance?

plus she is wearing black she looks like vampire pale|||Why is shaving one's head a statement to cancer? Many cancer patients aren't bald and don't go bald.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 months ago, and there's no fear I'll lose my hair. Some cancer treatments cause hair lose (chemo often does, and radiation if it's given to the head/neck area.

If your date had cancer and was getting a treatment that was causing her to lose her hair, I could see her shaving her head and maybe some of those close to her doing the same in support...or if someone close to her lost their hair due to cancer treatement, it would be a show of support. In general, it's not much of a show of support if there is no one close to you that is bald due to cancer treatement.

Better show of support would be to help raise money for cancer research. There are over 200 types of cancer. Even if I were bald I'd rather you donate money to help find a cure for my disease...shaving your hair off doesn't really help anyone with cancer.

Do what you feel is right.|||if u want 2 shave ur head as a statement 2 cancer, go right ahead. if she wants u 2, n u don't rilly care either way, then i wud. but if u don't want a shaved head, by all means don't shave it. by the way, i don't think there's anything extremely attractive about guys with shaved heads. Was that helpful?|||Na. She's doing that for her not for you. If you try to mimic her without having the same beliefs as she does, you're just going to look like a tool. If she really does give a damn about breast cancer, she won't give a crap if you shave your head or not.|||I don't think shaving your head is a statement for cancer and I bet most people just think it's crazy/wierd and unjustified.

If you really care, make a donation, that's worth more than a bald head.|||If you feel as strongly as your date does, then by all means shave your head.

But only if you feel the same. And only if you're comfortable with the choice.|||Only if you share the same feelings toward cancer. She's not looking for your 'respect' or sympathy; she's making a statement for something she believes in.|||Get away, far, far away.|||you should do it if you really like/love her.. not for respect

and if you believe in fighting for cancer|||Yes, there is no harm in doing so, plus, hair grows back.|||if you think you should|||If you feel the same sentiment, sure.|||No, just point and laugh at her....|||if u feel like u want to for the cause NOT just beacuse she's doing it.

Where can i find income statements, balance sheets, and cash flows of companies that date back 10 years?

So far the best place i've found is, they have financial statements of companies dating back 5 years.|||Morningstar has financial statements going back 10 years.|||hmm|||in heaven..|||You can try to go to the company's website or you can request the info. by contacting the company itself.

How do I make a SQL statement that will update an Oracle varchar2 field with a 2-digit date, to a 4-digit date

I have a varchar2(20) field that has date in it. When I TO_DATE them, I get 2098 instead of 1998. They are stored as character strings like '24-JAN-98' and '13-MAR-03'. I need to change all these records so they have a 4-digit date, by entering a '19' in front of anything before 2000 and a '20' for everything after. So I'm thinking there should be some sort of SQL (or PL/SQL) where I could use instr, replace, or some other function that a beginning Oracle developer - like me - hasn't mastered yet. I have about 250,000 records that I need to do this to.|||how about using this.

alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-RRRR';

update ur_table_name a

set the_varchar2_col = ( select to_char( to_date( the_varchar2_col ) )

from ur_table_name b

where a.primarykey = b.primarykey);

--confirm you have the right data and then


alter session set nls_date_format = 'your_previous_nls_date_format_here';

Be sure to read the RR Date format for long term use of this code, way after we have retired :) ;)|||Wow, it has been a long time since I've done any SQL. I'll use the following and you replace with your table and field: mytable, datefield

I'm assuming that all of your dates have the same 9 character format: dd-mmm-yy.

update mytable

set datefield = substr(datefield,1,7)||




substr(datefield,8,2) != '00'


Then repeat this putting in "20" for the "19", and

changing the != to =.

Ok, I had to put this on separate lines so it would show

but the whole thing is usually on one line although as

shown it should work.

This should take the first seven characters, concatenate a '19' with them and concatenate the last two characters with that.

As I said, it has been a long time. I do believe the syntax for the substr command is (field, start position, length) If this is wrong you should be able to correct it easily enough. By the way, this isn't the only way to do this, but I think it is the simplest. Have fun. If you problems reading the code, you can contact me at I worked with the Oracle products for over 20 years, the last 11 as an Oracle employee and will be happy to help you if I can.|||Here are 2 SQL statements that should work.

Keep in mind, that any dates where the year is after 1990 will have "19" put in front, and those that have a value less than "90", will get "20" put in front of the year.







Also, you might want to double-check that it's working right by

using a select statement first, like this:



NOTE: The double-pipe symbol may have to be replaced by an ampersang (%26amp;)!

R&S: I think, therefore, I am. What are your opinions on one of the most profound statements to date?

Ren茅 Descartes, when pondering his existence concluded that if I am even asking this question, I am thinking. And my ability to think justifies my existence.

It's brilliant, but I have my doubts to it. What are your thoughts?|||Descartes also said, "Dubito, ergo cogito." By doubting, he proved that he thinks.|||It's a flawed proof of existence. Thinking may seem to demonstrate that we are, but it is perfectly plausible that what we construe as thoughts are entirely fleeting, that some configuration of some universe has arranged itself temporarily to give the impression that this universe exists, with you in it, remembering your past and believing in your future. Even that concept of time might be invented in that "instant". A thought almost proves that something that believes itself to exist exists instantaneously.|||Don't have much doubts about it, or you become a nihilist or solipsist. Our existence as more than a brain in a box cannot be empirically proven, but by all collective reasoning, we can safely assume (logically even) that it is true.

Existence needs to start somewhere, it might as well be me....or you, or Dave, or Fred, or Wilma.|||It's not about the PHYSICAL existence.

100% of all animals are alive and 99% do not think!

It's about PONDERING one's existence into the realms of the metaphysical.|||It's good but it's kind of superseded by Sartre.

You could quite plausibly be a figment of my imagination and mine alone.

...|||It never says what he is exactly. He could be a small perl script programmed to say that.|||It's all about the mind. Once you "know" how to use it, you know that you exist.|||I AM, always exist.

repent or be burn

What is the standard form for bank reference statement saying my account balance and account opening date?

VOD (verification of deposit)

28th day of bank statement falls on the date of visa last date.will request statement does it look?

I think it should be fine for the bank to process your application.

If i bought something on the closing date of my credit card bill, will it be on my next statement?

If you bought it on the closing date, I think it will be included in your current statement. Anything you buy the day after the closing date, I think will be included in your next statement.|||It should be. Depends what time of day you bought the item. Buying after 5pm insures it'll be on your next statement.|||Most likely, there is a small possibility that it will be on the current statement, but I don't think so.|||most likely,as it might not get into the system fast enough to be on current months billing.

鈥淪hehryar opens an account with a 100 Rs deposit on date 1. On date 2 he withdraws 20 Rs and gets a statement

makee the sequence diagram for this use case.|||google it

How can I change this select statement to pull information from start date to an end date?

I only want to get the records from a date range using the variables session_start_date and session_end_date. Those variable are input by the user as a text value. Do I need to convert it to a date type?

Here is the select statement I need to alter:

$query = "SELECT session_id, title, DATE_ADD(scheduled_time, INTERVAL $time_diff HOUR), teacher, DATE_ADD(time_started, INTERVAL $time_diff HOUR), DATE_ADD(time_finished, INTERVAL $time_diff HOUR) from session where session_id=$session_id";|||make variables for the start_date and end_date. Assign values to those variables. Lastly append your statement AND (datefieldfromyourdb %26gt;= start_date AND datefieldfromyourdb %26lt;= stop_date)

How can I have an if statement return a date that doesn't change (i.e. doesn't update like TODAY function)

You set the onclick event of the button to return the current date via a VBA function.

It won't change if you set the date as a literal in your function.|||An if statement by definition doesn't return anything. It tests whether an expression is true or false, then acts upon that test. What are you trying to do?|||what particular programming language?|||Not sure what you are trying to accomplish but sounds like you want to store the date in a global variable after you have retrieved it...

...So your using VBA. Just store the date the first time you retrieve it either in a global variable or a cell in the spreadsheet. Global if you need it for the life of the open spreadsheet, or cell if you need it permanently.|||What programming language or other software? What OS?|||If you use the check box event, then when it is checked the TODAY function writes the date to a new cell. When saved, that date should remain.

You don't want to test to see if the box is checked--you want to do something at the moment it is checked. So it won't update the date every time the sheet is opened--only every time the checkbox is changed from unchecked to checked.

Hope that helps